stay connected

Live online business events have truly become a regular occurrence, and participants can join and take part anywhere from the comfort of their home or office.

We provide our clients with the organization of virtual business meetings, conferences and lectures. We ensure that virtual events run smoothly with all the technical support needed, offering advice and providing solutions to make each event interesting, high quality, professional and according to the client’s wishes. Online platforms enable participants to interact with each other, obtain professional development and get acquainted with news and current events in a particular business sector.

Although face-to-face meetings are often an option that is still preferred, trends and business philosophy are changing. That is why digital conferences and all similar virtual events can completely replace previous physical gatherings. This is, after all, an increasingly common and desirable practice.

Organization of digital conferences

Hybrid conference

The best combination of virtual world and physical presence it brings participants to the place of gathering and invites everyone else to join online.

Connecting two different types of audiences (live and online) is a big challenge because it has to meet the needs of both parties.


It consists of:

  • Meeting design
  • Content management
  • SOCIAL MEDIA management
  • Registration of participants
  • LIVE STREAMING services
  • ONLINE engagement (Moderating quizzes, preparing surveys or organizing a Zoom breakout room raffle is a great way to divide participants into smaller groups and assign them tasks related to the program.)

EVENT analysis

Even though some adapt faster than others, there is still doubt about what a virtual event is – is it something as simple as a big Zoom met up, or something more? Can simply renting a platform solve all issues? And what is the purpose of an event planner in current situation? Creating a virtual congress is just as complex as a face-to-face conferencing, and requires a similar combination of essential features, including working with a professional conference organizer (PCO), choosing a (virtual) venue, ensuring a well-thought-out organization, and providing experience in such projects.